Job Portal
We make efficiently performing job portals through our expertise in content management systems. Develop your job search platform with popular resonance through us and get prominent among the youth through appropriate functions of clean search and account based membership.

Running a job consultancy firm? Boost your exposure and outlook towards the targeted audiences and clients through a high functionality and SEO optimized job portal. We at Nocture Solutions have developed many dedicated job consultancy websites for the vendors through smart integration of relevant functions of web and IT. More numbers of seekers are reaching at the desk of job consultancies and this requisitioning has been more through the online channels. Thus for your organization to remain viable and competitive, online presence is a must factor. Do not miss on this dimension and allow Nocture Solutions to make a custom job portal for you! Your job portal will serve as your online junction to attract more heads that are looking for the job.
We do appropriate integrations to augment dynamic database management functions that make handling of the applications of the seekers easy, rather automated for you! Accounts based users' management is also supported through standard protocols and this helps to increase the head count of applicants at your desk. Sorting and filtering mechanisms at the portal operate in background and do the requisite segregations of the applications for the purpose of interview appointments with different employers. A system of programmed alerts through mails and messages complements the intimation desk of your job consultancy.